悉尼Toby Estate Cafe托比咖啡馆
因为待的时间短,所以我就着重说一个吧,那就是很多杂志介绍过的悉尼Toby Estate咖啡馆。去这里其实很方便,甚至你都可以像我一样在逛完新南威尔士艺术馆(Art Gallery of New South Wales)再过去,穿过领地花园(the domain garden)就到了。
Toby Estate卖的咖啡不像是意大利式的Capuccino与Espresso,而是自家炒制、磨练的独门秘方。澳大利亚当地的美食杂志早有介绍。来Toby Estate有点像到访咖啡园一样,大大的烘炉,炒焙咖啡豆机器就在店内上层,店员倒进适当分量的咖啡豆烘焙磨香,把整个咖啡小馆弄得香味处处,就是那种磨后即试尝鲜的冲动!
Toby and his team select only the most distinctive high altitude arabica coffees from around the globe. The striking flavours and aromas of these beans are the products of the micro climates in which they grow — the frequency of rain, proportions of sun and shade, length of the ripening season and the qualities of the soil and water. These factors, collectively known as terroir, combine to produce beans that can stand on their own, without blending, needing only the love and expertise of careful roasting to realise their potential. Whether we are roasting for espresso, plunger or filter, our joy lies in finding each bean’s sweet spot, where aroma, body, sparkling acidity and terroir flavours are balanced. To borrow a phrase from the wine industry, where the bean lay is where the flavour lies.
Of course, part of the coffee master’s art is the challenge of blending coffees — combining beans so that their flavours complement one another without losing their individual terroir qualities. We might, for example, blend a Central American bean for its bright, snappy fullness with the velvet body and spice of a vintage Indian, and finish them off with an African for floral sweetness and berry top notes.
All Toby’s Estate coffees are roasted to order and packaged as soon as possible, to prevent any loss of their delicate flavours and aromatics, in non-permeable bags with degassing valves. After roasting, any time the beans spend exposed to air can lead to oxidation, or to the absorption of unwanted elements from the atmosphere. Our packages also feature roasted on/packed on dates so you know you’re using fresh product. From seed to cup, the coffee production chain is long and painstaking. At Toby’s Estate we feel a responsibility to the many careful hands who’ve brought the coffee this far, so we treat our beans with uncompromising respect.
The mission of Toby’s Estate Espresso School is to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to complement the efforts of harvesters when finishing the journey into the cup. The Cup!
说起来,Toby Estate的位置并没有正居市中心,位置在老型社区Woolloomooloo的街角十字路口上,来这里可要带点诚意。早上八时,在悉尼市繁忙的上班时间前抵达,这样才能生动地捕捉上班族的提神活力秘方!
Toby Estate
地址:129 Cathedral Street,(Corner Of Palmer Street) Woolloomooloo,Sydney
电话:+61 293581196
Add comment 6月 28th, 2011